Dr. Bobbie Bennett

Healthy Greens

Did you know that health coaching has less to do with weight loss than you think? At least initially for most. Health coaching is about changing a behavior that isn’t serving you, something YOU wish to change in order to better your life. Increased energy? Better sleep? Less grumbling in your tummy? These are often […]

What is a Health Coach? Read More »


I can’t stop talking about how amazing Magnesium is! If you have been in my office for muscle tension, spasms, or inability to sleep I have probably suggested Magnesium. It is amazing and one of my favorite minerals! #magnesium #docbobbietalks #bodywisehealth

Magnesium! Read More »


Phytonutrients in food come in all different colors—green, yellow-orange, red, blue-purple, and white. It is important to eat fruits and vegetables of varied color each day. Aiming for one to two of each color per day is a healthy goal to strive for! Pic of my very first purple carrot!! Just pulled from the garden,

Phytonutrients in Food! Read More »

Back to Basics

Ready to improve your health? In this world of fad diets, get skinny quick, and magical pills I often hear patients complain how overwhelmed they are with choices. “I want to get healthier, but with so many options I’m not sure where to start!” Getting healthy doesn’t have to be a complex process if you

Back to Basics: Eat Right & Stay Active Read More »

Power Bars

Homemade Powerbars! If you’re like me, most traditional “health-food” bars just don’t make the cut. There are a few I like, such as Lara bars (they’re raw!), however most nutrition bars are nothing more than a candy bar with a healthy sounding name. In fact, a snickers just might be healthier than some of the

Doc Bobbie’s Homemade Power Bars Read More »


1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1 1/2 cups water2 handfuls of spinach or chard1 scoop chocolate protein powder(check Fullscript for my recommendation for a great protein powder AND get 10% off)2 TB chia seeds1/4th avocadoENJOY!  

Chocolate Blueberry Smoothie Read More »